As current board President, our small group of current board members needs your help in identifying and connecting to a wider pool of potential board and committee members. That’s why we are turning to you. We are looking for board members who believe in our mission and are willing to be active member of ANPAD.
We raise public awareness of PKU and Allied Disorders, detected at birth through newborn screening and have created a support network for patients and their families to learn, connect and encourage each other. ANPAD coordinates its efforts with help of the genetics team at Phoenix Children’s Hospital.
See below our “Description for Board Members” to give you a sense of what we are looking for and to spark your thinking in advance about the types of people, skills and connections we are hoping to recruit.
While we do ask that our board members play an active role, we pride ourselves on supporting each other as a team and believe that we offer an opportunity for our members to learn and grow with the organization.
Ann Hall
ANPAD President
FY17 - FY19 Board Member Elections / Job responsibilities
President- Ann Hall (2017-2019)
- Attend all but 3 meetings ( according to original bi-laws)
- Set yearly Goals
- Hold regular meetings
- Set agenda and plan calendar of events
- Communicate regularly with board members related to current projects, newsletter and social media.
- Help recruit board members general members and volunteers
- Public speaking related to fundraising and community event promotion.
- Make sure areas of the board responsibilities are fulfilled and fill in where needed.
- Work with fundraising to set and achieve goals
- Attend all but 3 meetings ( according to original bi-laws)
- Research and apply for grants for ANPAD
- Director of operations for Camp Knot a Phe
- Conduct camp planning meetings
- Help recruit members and volunteers
- Step in when President is not in attendance
- Attend all but 3 meetings ( according to original bi-laws)
- Coordinate events ideas for all ages
- Tucson- Holiday event coordinator
- Provide information regarding families in Tucson for newsletter
- Help recruit members and volunteers
- Attend all but 3 meetings ( according to original bi-laws)
- Coordinate A/P and A/R
- Prepare Financial statements
- Prepare budgets for events/ camp/fundraiser
- Have current list of donors
- Coordinate insurance
- Prepare financial statements for taxes
- Review all grant applications and financials for grant applications
- Review and advise on all financial matters
- Attend all but 3 meetings ( according to original bi-laws)
- Develop plan for community events
- Coordinate plan for young adult dinner club
- Coordinate education programs for camp
- Help recruit members and volunteers
- Coordinate chairs for fundraising events
- Attend all but 3 meetings ( according to original bi-laws)
- Provide board member minutes of all meetings notes
- Notify board members on important dates
- Provide thank yous to sponsors and donors
- Coordinate month newsletter
- Update membership list
- Update mailchimp newsletter database.
Community Outreach - Jodi Stanley (2017-2019)
- Attend all but 3 meetings ( according to original bi-laws)
- Community Poppet events coordinator
- Recruit poppet volunteers
- Provide ideas for quarterly poppet events and information regarding poppets for newsletter
- Holiday Party Coordinator
- Coordinate young adults events
Allied Disorder Representative- Michelle Bowen (2017-2019)
- Attend all but 3 meetings ( according to original bi-laws)
- Recruit Allied Disorder members
- Help with coordinating community events to include allied disorder patients
- Educate board and members on allied disorders
- Help recruit members and volunteers
- Attend all but 3 meetings ( according to original bi-laws)
- Promote events through social media
- Coordinate press releases for camp, newborn awareness and PKU awareness.
- Coordinate brochures for ANPAD
- Coordinate marketing material
- Help update photosharing site.
Genetic Clinic Representative- Dr. Kirk Aleck MD (2017-2019)
- Attend all but 3 meetings ( according to original bi-laws)
- Update board on advances, educational programs for PKU and allied disorders
- Update board on new research and new medicines
- Update board on education needed for ANPAD community
- Promote ANPAD events, camp, workshops