Here is a basic list of supplies to consider adding to your emergency preparedness kit if you have a metabolic condition:
- 7-10 day supply of non-perishable food and formula
- 3-5 days’ worth of water (suggested is three gallons of water per person for drinking and sanitation)
- Medical letter.
- Food scale with extra batteries
- Calculator and preferred method for tracking daily phe intake
- Container for mixing metabolic food/formula
- Preferred container for consuming metabolic food/formula
- Purified or bottled water
- Low protein food list and/or list of phe content of foods in your emergency kit
- Supplements (tyrosine, vitamins, etc.)
- Daily medications (i.e. Kuvan)
- Medication/formula supplies: syringes, scoops, measuring spoons
This is list is only a place to start, every individual’s or family’s kit will vary depending on specific needs. It is also important to acknowledge that you will not always be at your home when a disaster strikes, therefore it is important to keep your car stocked with basic supplies to help you survive on the road. An event as simple as traffic or a road block on a rural highway could leave you stranded in your car for hours, even a whole day. A basic list of automobile supplies could include:
- Water
- Blankets
- Cash and change
- First aid kit
- Signaling devices
- Flashlight
- Non-perishable food
- Maps
- Writing material
- Rope
- Tools
- Jumper cables
- Duct tape
- Flashlight
- First aid kit
- Toiletries
- Whistle for signaling
- Extra batteries
- Cash and change
- Sleeping bag or blanket
- A complete change of clothes
- Sturdy shoes for extended periods of walking
- Matches in a watertight container or any other waterproof fire-starting device
- Feminine supplies
- Manual can opener
- Writing supplies
- Pocket knife
- Local maps
- Battery powered radio and a NOAA Weather Radio
- Water filtration device
- Adapters for car chargers
If creating an emergency preparedness kit seems too big of a task, consider starting small and collect a few basic needs such as water food and the necessary medical needs. You can always build up from there, but any preparation is better than no preparation.