Creating an Emergency Preparedness Kit

We wanted to take a moment to touch base and refresh on emergency preparedness with the concern of Corona Virus in the U.S. announced by the Center For Disease Control this week.
Please utilize your resources to plan ahead in case we were to see effects and delays in the U.S. of the Corona Virus.
Its important to make sure you have multiple weeks of food, formula & medicines available to you should transport and delivery not be available or be slower than normal by suppliers.
Stock up on water and other household items for your home. Be prepared as much as you can.
Many sources are recommending don't shake hands with others, avoid being around sick people, avoid touching your nose, eyes, mouth and washing your hands often with soap and water for at least 20 seconds. Be aware and avoid risky situations or environments.
Hopefully you wont need any of the supplies you planned ahead with but its better to be safe and have them just in case the need arises.
 If you are not prepared before disaster strikes, scrambling for supplies, medical records, or any important documentation could be difficult if not impossible depending on the given circumstances. All individuals should have at least some basic supplies prepared to survive for 3-7 days if an emergency occurs. This is especially important for families who have members with dietary restrictions or other special needs and requirements. It is vital that the needed amounts of medications, formulas, special foods, or any other important items are available at a moment’s notice if an emergency occurs. When preparing your own personal emergency supply kit, it is important to keep in mind where you live, and any other unique circumstances that could affect what items you should consider.

Here is a basic list of supplies to consider adding to your emergency preparedness kit if you have a metabolic condition:

  • 7-10 day supply of non-perishable food and formula
  • 3-5 days’ worth of water (suggested is three gallons of water per person for drinking and sanitation)
  • Medical letter.
  • Food scale with extra batteries
  • Calculator and preferred method for tracking daily phe intake
  • Container for mixing metabolic food/formula
  • Preferred container for consuming metabolic food/formula
  • Purified or bottled water
  • Low protein food list and/or list of phe content of foods in your emergency kit
  • Supplements (tyrosine, vitamins, etc.)
  • Daily medications (i.e. Kuvan)
  • Medication/formula supplies: syringes, scoops, measuring spoons

This is list is only a place to start, every individual’s or family’s kit will vary depending on specific needs. It is also important to acknowledge that you will not always be at your home when a disaster strikes, therefore it is important to keep your car stocked with basic supplies to help you survive on the road. An event as simple as traffic or a road block on a rural highway could leave you stranded in your car for hours, even a whole day. A basic list of automobile supplies could include:

  • Water
  • Blankets
  • Cash and change
  • First aid kit
  • Signaling devices
  • Flashlight
  • Non-perishable food
  • Maps
  • Writing material
  • Rope
  • Tools
  • Jumper cables
  • Duct tape
  • Flashlight
  • First aid kit
  • Toiletries
  • Whistle for signaling
  • Extra batteries
  • Cash and change
  • Sleeping bag or blanket
  • A complete change of clothes
  • Sturdy shoes for extended periods of walking
  • Matches in a watertight container or any other waterproof fire-starting device
  • Feminine supplies
  • Manual can opener
  • Writing supplies
  • Pocket knife
  • Local maps
  • Battery powered radio and a NOAA Weather Radio
  • Water filtration device
  • Adapters for car chargers

If creating an emergency preparedness kit seems too big of a task, consider starting small and collect a few basic needs such as water food and the necessary medical needs. You can always build up from there, but any preparation is better than no preparation.


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