Emergency Agencies and Contacts

Emergency Agencies and Contacts

 from : Mountain States Genetics Regional Collaborative:

Mountain States Genetics Regional Collaborative Center
The MSGRCC facilitates regional collaboration, encourages involvement of diverse populations, and supports innovative mini-projects that inform quality improvement and systems change in the newborn screening and clinical genetics health care delivery systems.

http: //msgrcc. org/
https: // www.facebook.com/moutainstatesgentics. org

American Red Cross www. AmericanRedCross.org Call your local chapter to help make plans if you have a child with extensive needs. Families can also find general information about emergency planning and tips for people with disabilities on their website.

FEMA / Federal Emergency Management Agency www.fema.gov This website can assist families before, during and after a disaster. If you are a 1-800-621-3362 survivor of a disaster families can register with FEMA even if they have insurance. Also visit www.fema.gov/kids to help kids make a plan, build a kit, know the facts and how to get involved.

Just In Case http://www.justincasearizona.com Arizona’s website provides information for individuals, families and employers to assist in emergency planning. Information includes creating plans for school, childcare, pets, family members with special health care needs, as well specific guides for the types of emergency situations that may occur in Arizona.

AZ Department of Health Services http://intranet.hs.azdhs.gov/divisions/phs-preparedness/public-health-emergency-preparedness The Arizona Department of Health Services, Bureau of Public Health Emergency Preparedness website contains Additional Resources and Trainings with links to numerous sites offering information on Arizona’s emergency preparedness planning. These links also offer resources for families, including families of children with special health care needs, and one specifically developed to respond to the unique needs of families living in Indian Country.

Emergency Information Form
Go to ACEP or AAP to download the Emergency Information Form onto your home computer so that you can easily make updates and regularly print out the most current version. Keep a copy with you at all times so when you are in an emergency situation you may be able to easily access a health record for 1st Responders or other medical personnel. www.acep.org www.aap.org

American College of Emergency Physicians
ACEP supports quality emergency care and promotes the interests
of emergency physicians and our patients. Offers up-to-date disaster preparedness information.
1-800-320-0610, ext. 3006

American Academy of Pediatrics
Going to AAP you will find a special section called Children, Terrorism, and Disasters, where disaster preparedness kits and other information can assist families.

Emergency Medical Services for Children
National Resource Center
Go to EMSC and click on “Rehabilitation and Children with Special Needs” to find materials like an Emergency Care Plan, booklets, and DCs for specific diagnoses or purposes.
National Center on Emergency Preparedness www.disabilitypreparedness.com for People with Disabilities 1-202-546-4464, ext. 201 Offer Emergency Preparedness planning for individuals with disabilities and/or special needs.

The National Safety Council
Visit their website and go to sectionson Emergencies and Disasters. They have a checklist for Home and links to various other resources.

Independent Living Resource Center of San Francisco
This agency has excellent materials in several languages...from tip sheets to basic preparedness.

Safe and Well / Find Missing Friends and Family www.safeandwell.org This website should be used to find someone or post information about your location for your fami- ly and friends. The Red Cross will assist to register all evacuees whether they are staying in a shelter or have found alternative housing and will also assist people in searching the database.

Always Be One Step Ahead Medication and Special Foods in an Emergency
Speak to your Doctor about getting one or two extra doses of medication, supplies or specialty food each month to assist you in slowly getting a stock pile of the necessary medication or supplies that you might need in an emergency situation.

What is Smart911?
Smart911 is a free service that allows citizens across the U.S. to create a Safety Profile for their household that includes any Information they want 9-1-1 to have in the event of an emergency . Then, when anyone in that household dials 9-1-1 from a phone associated with their Safety Profile, their profile is immediately displayed to the 9-1-1 call taker.

Raising Special Kids Arizona
An affiliate of Family Voices, Raising Special Kids offers statewide information & referrals through the various systems for parents and professionals who have or work with children with special health care needs.

http: // www.raisingspecialkids.org/

See Creating an Emergency Preparedness Kit-  for helpful tips and what to include in your home emergency kit! 

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